Involuntary actions

A person does not always act deliberately. He has actions that he does not control either by volitional or arbitrary efforts. He may unconsciously shout, kick something with his foot. These actions are called involuntary. They do not belong to the volitional sphere of the individual. They are purely reflex in nature.
When a person gets used to doing something, he needs to make certain efforts to perform an action that is the opposite of habit. For example, if a person is used to drinking, then he needs strong-willed efforts not to drink. He has already formed a reflex, so he drinks on the machine. Often, he understands which pit he is in only when he has already done this involuntary action.
In general, people often regret what they did if they did it involuntarily. However, there are exceptions. A person may regret even more if he made the wrong choice. Involuntary actions are more often erroneous, but they are still necessary in order to interpret life experience in a behavioral aspect.
Also, involuntary actions are necessary if there is a need to protect yourself. For example, when a person is very close to hot or even touches it, he reflexively very quickly pulls back his hand, which has been exposed to temperature. This achieves several goals. The first is the contact between the hot object and the hand ceases, and the second is the cooling of the hand by a jet of air that passes through the rapidly moving palm.
Involuntary actions are guided by emotions. Very often a person makes a murder in a state of passion. The instinctive nature of man also works here. Aggression often manifests itself in a person as a defense mechanism. A person has few options for protection. To be more precise, there are three of them: attack, escape and stupor. When a person commits murder in a state of passion, the first kind of defense works for him.
Escape and stupor are also actions that are not volitional. They have an involuntary nature. For example, when a person runs, he often does not make decisions consciously. And even if he understands that he needs to run away, then he does not have a logically considered goal and there are no obstacles in his head that can prevent him from doing it. When a person enters a stupor, then for this he also needs to perform certain actions.
So involuntary actions are needed by a person mainly for the purpose of protection. They have an instinctive or reflex nature. Also, involuntary actions can be controlled by emotions. But a person needs them just to ensure the instinctive program of his life activity. Homemade porn UK.
